We can help you develop robust strategies, whether you are industry, regulator or government, to assess and deliver the transition to a low carbon future. There is increasing acceptance of the role that hydrogen will play in this future, and our consultants have been at the centre of the technical development of this option for many years.
Deep decarbonisation of the whole energy system is becoming an increasingly important issue worldwide as the need to reduce carbon emissions is being mandated at a national and regional level. The use of hydrogen as an energy carrier is one of the most promising options for decarbonisation while delivering major environmental and economic benefits.
There is growing interest in this area from governments and industry around the world, and the recognition that existing gas networks can be used as a transport and delivery opportunity is growing. Our consultants have been at the forefront of this development in Europe and beyond and we can help our clients both public and private to understand and map the potential and provide insights into the emerging opportunities available.
Key Offerings
Technology roadmaps. What are the objectives of your long-term energy policy and how can we help to map a pathway to reach them. Our consultants have developed technology roadmaps to a decarbonised energy system based on local needs and policy drivers –
Techno-economic assessment. We can determine the costs and benefits of different strategic approaches to decarbonisation or introduction of new gases such as hydrogen
Technology impact assessments. Introduction of new gases to an existing network will lead to new requirements for end users as well as network and infrastructure operators. We can help you develop a complete understanding of the challenges and forge an in-depth technical solution.
Safety and Integrity assessments. Are your assets ready for hydrogen? What are the implcations for asset management and what actions do you need to take to guarantee that your networks can be adapted.
Network planning. How are the new gases going to flow through and mix in the networks. What are the implications for billing and metering?

We have worked with clients such as the European Commission, the European Standards agency, national governments and an increasing number of infrastructure operators and energy companies to provide technical, regulatory and economic analyses of the potential for the introduction of hydrogen and decarbonised gases into our energy system, from production through to end-use.

What Skills do we bring?
Materials and asset integrity. Our work in detailed assessment of materials and integrity impacts can help you make sure your assets are fit for future gases and ensure you mitigate any problems at the earliest stage.
Safety. What are the implications for safety requirements for transport, handling and end use. We have already applied our knowledge of safety management to this emerging challenge.
Gas quality. The change of gas quality will introduce a number of challenges for transportation, storage, compression and end use. Our experts have led gas quality initiatives across the world and advised governments and industry.
Standards assessment. What will be the impact of new gases such has hydrogen on local standards, and what is the pathway for revision? We have been involved in standards assessments in Europe, Asia and Australia.
Project Management. Whether for research, demonstration or implementation, we can help you to develop and manage your projects